Net revenues from sales (thousand PLN) | 588 101 | 584 207 |
Profit (loss) on operations (thousand PLN) | 35 351 | 26 496 |
Gross profit (loss) (thousand PLN) | 25 381 | 7 318 |
Net profit (loss) (thousand PLN)* | 25 786 | 24 477 |
Amortisation and depreciation (thousand PLN) | 14 800 | 14 508 |
EBITDA (thousands PLN) | 50 151 | 41 004 |
Asserts (thousand PLN) | 387 293 | 394 310 |
Equity (thousand PLN)* | 186 522 | 193 862 |
Equity of the shareholders of the parent company (thousand PLN) | 186 522 | 193 862 |
Number of shares (thousand pcs)* | 60 375 | 60 375 |
Book value per share (PLN) | 3,09 | 3,21 |
Audited report | YES | YES |
Net revenues from sales (thousand PLN) | 553 995 | 560 778 |
Profit (loss) on operations (thousand PLN) | 30 322 | 25 598 |
Gross profit (loss) (thousand PLN) | 33 311 | 14 184 |
Net profit (loss) (thousand PLN)* | 34 557 | 30 357 |
Amortisation and depreciation (thousand PLN) | 14 149 | 13 909 |
EBITDA (thousands PLN) | 44 471 | 39 507 |
Asserts (thousand PLN) | 381 979 | 386 117 |
Equity (thousand PLN)* | 182 512 | 192 494 |
Number of shares (thousand pcs)* | 60 375 | 60 375 |
Book value per share (PLN) | 3,02 | 3,19 |
Audited report | YES | YES |
In accordance with the forecast published in April 2011, Wielton S.A. (the Company, the Issuer) in 2011 planned to generate revenues from sales in the amount of 425 million PLN, i.e. 66 % more than during the four quarters of 2010, subject to a sales volume in the order of 5,755 pcs, i.e. 59 % more than during the four quarters of 2010.
The 2011 sales forecast was based on estimates and analyses which were formulated by the Management Board pursuant to the state of knowledge at the time. The Management Board based the sales growth forecast, both in terms of value as well as volume, on orders, which have been submitted and were being submitted on an on-going basis to the Company, in particular from export markets where the Issuer’s products were available.
Other significant assumptions, on which the published forecast was based were as follows:
In December 2011 Wielton S.A. announced that the 2011 sales revenues forecast published in April 2011 has been exceeded. The forecast assumed that in 2011 the Issuer will generate revenues from sales in the order of 425 million PLN. Between January and November 2011, Wielton S.A.’s revenues from sales amounted to 440 million PLN.
The excession of the revenues from sales forecast was primarily associated with:
In accordance with the forecast published in March 2012, the Issuer in 2011 planned to generate a net consolidated financial result of 20 million PLN, i.e. 82 % more than during the four quarters of 2011, subject to forecast revenues from sales in the order of 550 million PLN, i.e. 11 % more than during the four quarters of 2011.
The 2012 consolidated financial result forecast was based on estimates and analyses which were formulated by the Management Board pursuant to the state of knowledge at the time.
The Management Board of the Company based the forecast growth of consolidated financial results on:
In accordance with the forecast published in May 2013, the Issuer in 2013 planned to generate a net consolidated profit of 20 million PLN, on sales in the order of 550 million PLN.
The 2013 consolidated financial result forecast was based on estimates and analyses which were formulated by the Management Board pursuant to the state of knowledge at the time. The Management Board of the Company based the consolidated financial results forecast on:
In November 2013 Wielton S.A. made a decision to update the Issuer’s consolidated financial results forecast for 2013 published in May 2013, which assumed a consolidated net profit in 2013 of 20 million PLN and consolidated revenues from sales of 550 million PLN. Following the update, the Issuer’s forecast consolidated results for 2013 were as follows:
The updated 2013 consolidated financial result forecast was based on estimates and analyses which were formulated by the Management Board pursuant to the state of knowledge at the time. The Management Board of the Company based the consolidated financial results forecast on:
(thousand PLN) |
1Q2012 |
2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
Revenues from sales | 159 417 | 487 255 | 255 830 | 159 806 | 368 435 | 385 553 | 278 206 |
Gross profit (loss) from sales | 20 482 | 57 906 | 21 604 | 18 445 | 80 367 | 80 180 | 25 432 |
Profit (loss) on operations | 6 741 | 14 347 | -8 114 | -7 010 | 53 426 | 56 906 | 11 825 |
Gross profit (loss) | 7 112 | 8 993 | -8 376 | -7 116 | 44 988 | 55 404 | 10 616 |
Net profit (loss) | 5 448 | 9 360 | -11 204 | -6 387 | 36 045 | 44 830 | 8 354 |
(thousand PLN) |
31.03.12 |
31.12.11 |
31.12.10 |
31.12.09 |
31.12.08 |
31.12.07 |
31.12.06 |
Aktywa razem | 393 372 | 365 312 | 365 312 | 280 143 | 312 886 | 280 491 | 140 555 |
Aktywa trwałe | 146 677 | 147 759 | 145 262 | 149 574 | 143 581 | 89 295 | 64 309 |
Wartości niematerialne i prawne | 10 974 | 10 893 | 7 901 | 7 044 | 5 990 | 4 727 | 4 480 |
Rzeczowe aktywa trwałe | 130 627 | 130 520 | 130 462 | 135 151 | 131 654 | 82 558 | 58 768 |
Należności długoterminowe | 18 | 5 | 0 | 22 | 39 | 93 | 93 |
Inwestycje długoterminowe | 2 003 | 2 003 | 3 555 | 459 | 1 063 | 155 | 204 |
Długoterminowe rozliczenia międzyokresowe | 3 055 | 4 338 | 3 344 | 6 898 | 4 835 | 1 762 | 764 |
Aktywa obrotowe | 246 695 | 217 553 | 163 369 | 130 569 | 169 305 | 191 196 | 76 246 |
Zapasy | 128 734 | 122 107 | 103 562 | 79 238 | 107 043 | 63 760 | 45 784 |
Należności krótkoterminowe | 111 284 | 88 834 | 48 089 | 26 510 | 43 356 | 30 455 | 23 444 |
w tym krótkoterminowe należności handlowe | 96 835 | 76 119 | 42 087 | 24 100 | 35 721 | 25 600 | 19 156 |
Inwestycje krótkoterminowe | 4 452 | 6 313 | 11 347 | 24 460 | 18 532 | 96 730 | 6 734 |
w tym środki pieniężne i inne aktywa pieniężne | 1 753 | 3 660 | 7 950 | 9 127 | 7 513 | 95 682 | 6 686 |
Krótkoterminowe rozliczenia międzyokresowe | 2 225 | 299 | 371 | 361 | 374 | 251 | 284 |
(w tys. zł) |
31.03.12 |
31.12.11 |
31.12.10 |
31.12.09 |
31.12.08 |
31.12.07 |
31.12.06 |
Kapitał własny | 150 888 | 145 440 | 136 080 | 147 285 | 168 162 | 145 400 | 33 500 |
Kapitał zakładowy | 12 075 | 12 075 | 12 075 | 12 075 | 12 075 | 12 075 | 10 075 |
Kapitał zapasowy | 124 005 | 124 005 | 135 209 | 141 597 | 120 042 | 88 495 | 14 583 |
Zysk (strata) z lat ubiegłych | 9360 | – | – | – | – | – | 488 |
Zysk (strata) netto | 5 448 | 9 360 | -11 204 | -6 387 | 36 045 | 44 830 | 8 354 |
Zobowiązania i rezerwy na zobowiązania | 242 484 | 219 872 | 172 551 | 132 858 | 144 725 | 135 091 | 107 055 |
Rezerwy na zobowiązania | 4 563 | 4 181 | 3 784 | 4 412 | 3 121 | 1 853 | 1 583 |
Zobowiązania długoterminowe, w tym | 32 871 | 34 112 | 40 885 | 48 024 | 30 156 | 23 730 | 5 285 |
kredyty i pożyczki długoterminowe | 31 340 | 33 014 | 39 712 | 36 511 | 27 034 | 19 830 | – |
inne zobowiązania oprocentowane długoterminowe | 1 531 | 1 098 | 1 173 | 11 512 | 3 122 | 3 900 | 5 285 |
Zobowiązania krótkoterminowe, w tym | 201 000 | 178 154 | 125 489 | 78 771 | 109 341 | 105 070 | 99 084 |
kredyty i pożyczki | 26 282 | 20 632 | 18 895 | 29 955 | 12 748 | 2 937 | – |
inne zobowiązania oprocentowane | 5 128 | 7 921 | 7 462 | 12 374 | 18 208 | 1 744 | 2 072 |
zobowiązania z tytułu dostaw i usług | 154 109 | 130 127 | 91 906 | 31 124 | 63 577 | 81 863 | 90 313 |
pozostałe zobowiązania | 15 481 | 19 474 | 7 226 | 5 320 | 14 809 | 18 526 | 6 699 |
Rozliczenia międzyokresowe | 4 050 | 3 425 | 2 393 | 1 651 | 2 106 | 4 438 | 1 103 |
Liczba akcji (w szt.) | 60 375 000 | 60 375 000 | 60 375 000 | 60 375 000 | 60 375 000 | 60 375 000 | 50 375 000 |
Zysk (strata) na 1 akcję zwykłą (w zł) | 0,09 | 0,16 | -0,19 | -0,11 | 0,60 | 0,74 | 0,17 |
Wskaźniki płynności |
1Q2012 |
2011 |
2010 |
2009 | 2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
Wskaźnik płynności bieżącej | 1,23 | 1,22 | 1,30 | 1,66 | 1,55 | 1,82 | 0,77 |
Wskaźnik płynności szybkiej | 0,59 | 0,54 | 0,48 | 0,65 | 0,57 | 1,21 | 0,31 |
Wskaźniki rentowności | |||||||
Rentowność netto sprzedaży | 3,4% | 1,9% | -4,4% | -4,0% | 9,8% | 11,6% | 3,0% |
Stopa zwrotu z kapitałów (ROE) | 3,7% | 6,9% | -7,6% | -4,2% | 27,3% | 44,6% | 33,2% |
Stopa zwrotu z kapitałów (ROE) | 1,4% | 2,6% | -3,6% | -2,3% | 11,5% | 16,0% | 5,9% |
Wskaźnik aktywności | |||||||
Wskaźnik rotacji zapasów (w dniach) | 73 | 91 | 148 | 181 | 106 | 60 | 60 |
Wskaźnik rotacji należności (w dniach) | 63 | 67 | 69 | 61 | 43 | 29 | 31 |
Wskaźnik rotacji zobowiązań (w dniach) | 113 | 133 | 179 | 180 | 108 | 99 | 130 |
Wskaźnik zadłużenia | |||||||
Dług oprocentowany do EBITDA | 6,7 | 2,5 | 22,1 | 85,9 | 1,0 | 0,5 | 0,5 |